Deep Writing

theatricality - Sandra Guerreiro Dias [2020]

Deep Writing - A Manifesto 

To Miguel

Deeply inspired by Pauline Oliveros

Sit down. Sit down near a river and let yourself be. Be the Universe. Be it. Sit down near a river and listen. Close your eyes, inhale the fresh air, touch your hands, feel your intra skin and start slowing down. Count your time. Your inner time, that is the whole time expanding from the Big-Bang to your own Big-Bang. Right now. Breath the very moment you are. That deep and precise moment of your life. Feel your eyes as if they were two enormous lighthouses blinking towards the night, spilling light, watching inwards-outwards as a continuous and unique movement of your body-breathe-being. Feel your feet on the ground, and connect yourself with earth, as if the intra-soil was your most deep intra organ. Surrender. Surrender yourself to the stage of cosmic manifestation you’re living right now. Accept your role. Accept the manifestation of life through the narrative of your body, the momentum in time and space you’ve chosen right now to be. Be your supreme purpose. The whole purpose. Your cosmic purpose. Internalize that drama as a performance of your inner language, your inner soul. Be that drama. Be it.

Write your own life. Being/with your body. Write it down whenever it is possible. If not with your language, at least with your soul. Let the blood follows, conducts you on its own path, the river of your rhythm, surpassing you. Watch it and internalize that same dance. Be that syntax, the map of your dance. Follow your fingers as your own morphology. Look at your body as the whole language itself. Be your fingers. Be the fingers of your dance, the morphology of it. Your bones let them be the arrows of your soul. Sculp it. Construct your castle with your lines, with the stripes of your own skeleton. Rip them out and write it down over and over again, dancing as a full circle fulfilling the cosmic time/space. Your language is your soul. Writing is the soul of your being, human and cosmic being. Feel that sharpness inside, that extra-vision conducting your irriguous walkway. Merge yourself with your nature, that expanding field inhabiting the cosmos in your only time-being.

Whenever you dance with your body you are writing and picturing your very most deep story, assembling the wilderness inwards outwards. Whenever you write, you are structuring the semiotic dancing of your heart, you are shaping the intra big-bang you are inside. You are giving it a name. Be your divine and sacred writing. Be the Cosmos. Write your Cosmos. Be the creative life pursuing your art, heart, beauty, and the sophisticated simplicity of being here. Be it.

When you are alone, you are with your language. You are your language in a very genuine way. In spite of the distance between your inner being and the surface of your body, isn’t it the same, a concentric same? When you write, you are looking for your own place in this perfect right and now. You are giving shape to your body. You are carving your soul. When you write, you are talking to your cells, the divine substance within, the nowness of it. You are travelling beyond your time and space, looking for, talking face to face with the Universe across time and space. When you write, you create your own pray, with your own language, the material clay or the process across which you connect yourself to the divine.

The meaning is the purpose. The entire and full meaning. The whole meaning, without words. Just carved and dense, overflowing the entire of the masterpiece you’ve just created. That sacred silence when everything that’s meant to be, meant to be. That oneness is sophisticated as a whole, hiding as far as revealing the secretness of this fulfillment. 

When you finish writing your text, creating your own language, a sacred code, the perfect circle discloses the perfect key, where you are, inside. When you fulfill your meaning, there’s no language anymore. You fulfill your silence, the whole of you, your sacred facsimile. You are the sacred writing of the universe. The whole of you. Your voice as your heart beating is the biggest black hole in the universe spreading your soul as you manifest yourself through time and space by your own design. Be the Sign, the whole meaning you are within-outwards. Be celestial. Be your own eternity.

SGD, 2021

Publicações & revistas (seleção):

2023 - "trilogia do amanhã, e assim por diante", Revista Interartes Skhema, n.º6.

2022 - "um céu pacífico e pão fresco", "um traço contínuo de som", Em Questão: A Invenção - Poesia Experimental Portuguesa, Fernando Aguiar (Org.), Évora: Associação Invencionarium - Oficina do Espírito, Edições Subjetivas, pp. 52-55.

2022 – "é preciso dizer Salette", "poema para a Salette, o Henrique & o João", Homenagem a Cage no ano de centenário de Salette Tavares e Henry Chopin, Worm Productions. 

2016 – “Fs = μs FnTexto Digital, 2.

2013 – “A teia”, Blogue Munditações.

2012 – “Circo de invierno #3”, Revista Botella del Náufrago, 19, p. 26. 

2012 − “Alegoria profética em três andamentos”, Revista Anarkitektura,1, pp. 10-21.

2012 – “Um manifesto de três amigos acompanhados ao piano, de vez em quando”, Libreto Dia do Manifesto – Coro das Vontades, Lisboa: EGEAC/Maria de Matos Teatro Municipal, pp. 30-32.

2012 − "Mulheres que Partem: Narrativas Migrantes e Violência(s) do Olhar", Revista Via Latina, 9 (6), pp. 50-66.

2011 − "Sunrise e eucaliptos: os livros que procuro", "o baile da morte de mim", "veja como é fácil", Oficina de Poesia - Revista da palavra e da imagem, 15 (II), pp. 98-100.

2011 − "A uma cidade", Revista Via Latina, 8 (6), pp. 28-29.

2010 - "Nascimento", "Vazio Relacional", Novas Poéticas de Resistência, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra.

2010 − "Breviário de coisas e excertos que dizem só e deixem-me viver porque não quero morrer à beira do mundo", Revista Sítio, 6, pp. 30-39.

2010 − "vv." (2010), III Antologia de Poetas Lusófonos, Leiria: Folheto Edições & Design, Lda., pp. 299-303.

2010 − "Do fim como do princípio do poema", "O poema depois de morto", Oficina de Poesia - Revista da palavra e da imagem, 14 (II), pp. 129-131.

2009-2010 − vv. Blogue Filo-Cafés.

2009 − "Todas as páginas 13", "Epitáfio", Oficina de Poesia - Revista da Palavra e da Imagem , 12 (II), pp. 95-96.

2009 − "Para que não nos incomode o silêncio", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 13.

2007-2009 − vv., Blogue O Micróbio.

2008 − "Breve história da nudez", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 11.

2008 − "Da culpa e as palavras", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 10.

2008 − "Império", "Astronauta", Oficina de Poesia - Revista da Palavra e da Imagem, 11 (II), pp. 133-134.

2008 − "O desacontecimento do mundo", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 9, n/a.

2008 − "Noite de n.", Colectânea de Contos de Natal, Letrário Editora n/a.

2008 − "Ensaio sobre a leveza", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 8, n/a.

2008 − "Do Fim do Mundo", Letrário Editora Online, 3, n/a.

2008 − "A dança", Revista de Poesia e Imagem Big Ode, 5, n/a.

2008 − "Adágio abstersivo sobre c.", Revista de Poesia e Imagem Big Ode, 4, p. 42.

2007 − "e.e.e.l.f.", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 7.

2007 − "C. em andamentos hiperbólicos", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 6.

2007 − "Mudança", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 4.

2006 − "Paralelo", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 3.

2006 − "Floresta do azul crescente", Revista Minguante – Revista de Micronarrativas, 2.

2005 − "Três Vícios", Revista 365, 20, p. 17.

2004 – “Rua de Santo Antão”, Revista Storm-Magazine, 18.

2004 – “Grão (carta à família que aí habita”, Revista RELER – Revista de Estudantes da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 4, p. 19.

2003 – “Dia de Seduzir”, Revista Os Bárbaros – Fanzine Implicativo com a Situação, 11, Coimbra, p. 36.

2002 – “Folhear páginas”, Revista Os Bárbaros – Fanzine Implicativo com a Situação, 6, p. 13.

2002 – “Numa noite de sempre”, Revista RELER – Revista de Estudantes da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 2, pp. 15-16.

Other notebooks:
